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S aturday afternoon inside the Methodist Mansfield café, the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Nursing graduated 23 nursing students from the Methodist Mansfield campus. The nursing school opened three years ago. The class graduating Saturday ...
* Updated 2025年3月7日星期五 1時42分55秒 Mansfield time - Weather by CustomWeather, © 2025 14 day forecast, day-by-dayHour-by-hour forecast for next week Yesterday's weather Clear. 19 / 2 °C Humidity: 54%. Wind: 13 km/h↑from Southeast ...
Mansfield ISD using artificial intelligence as new level of security against school threats It is called "Evolv Express," and it's the latest high-tech evolution in the quest to make public spaces—including schools—safer by detecting weapons at the door. ...
Hutchins police officer declares "Jesus" to get child from father having mental health crisis Sgt. Kyle Garner drove up to a truck stop in Hutchins. He saw a man on top of an SUV with a toddler in a diaper. As the Hutchins law enforcement leader spoke, he declared Jesus to the man ...
McLinden, Steve
El Paso星期四 20時01分Mansfield星期四 21時01分Wharton星期四 21時01分 Fort Worth星期四 21時01分McAllen星期四 21時01分Wichita Falls星期四 21時01分 Galveston星期四 21時01分McKinney星期四 21時01分Wylie星期四 21時01分 Garland星期四 21時01分Mesquite星期四 21時01分 ...