According to Texas law, either or both parents must support a child until the child turns 18 or graduates from high school (the later of the two), gets married, he/ she dies or the disabilities of the child are removed. If the child is believed to be mentally or physically disabled, t...
Now that the standard possession schedule has increased and the number of non-standard possession orders are on the rise, it is time for the frequency of non-guideline child support orders to increase proportionately but they are not.Even more tragic is that there are no laws in the Texas ...
In contested cases, if the parents cannot agree on the support amount, the decision is left to the court. The court may order a higher or lower payment than the guideline amount, depending on various factors such as the child’s needs, the custodial parent’s income, and the payer’s a...
“Prenuptial Agreement” – Taboo words in a relationship? ByDan Johnson|July 2, 2014 The Next Big Target – Your IRAs and 401(k)! ByDan Johnson|November 11, 2013 Texas Child Support Guideline Amounts to Increase September 1, 2013 ByDan Johnson|September 17, 2013 1 2 3...
"As Girl Scouts, we assume good intent," Doyle said. "When we learn that a girl is in violation of a standard/guideline, we almost always discover that the parent was unaware of the rules." If a rule is broken again, the girl could lose the awards she earned by selling a certain ...