Learn how the Texas General Land Office stewards state lands, protects Texas heritage, funds public schools, and supports prosperity for all Texans.
TexasGeneral Land Office Oil Spill Prevention ResponseProgram Administrative Penalty Policy TexasGeneral Land Office preserveTexas coastal waters, while partnering oilproduction transportationindustries promotestrong local regionaleconomies. OilSpill Prevention Response(OSPR) Division implements programs Texascoast. ...
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development found that the Texas General Land Office's distribution process for more than $2 billion in flood mitigation funds "caused there to be disproportionately less funding available to benefit minority residents than was available to bene...
response to the Texas Supreme Court issuing a ruling dismissing the State Bar of Texas’s (SBT) four-year-long attempt to discipline Paxton’s First Assistant Attorney General Brent Webster over his role in the lawsuit, calling it an “egregious invasion of the attorney general’s authority.”...
Texas General Land Office Selects Acclaim Energy Advisors As Demand Response ProviderAcclaim Energy AdvisorsAcclaim Energy Advisors
TPPF statement on Texas General Land Office intervening in Aderholt, et al. v. Bureau of Land ManagementROBERT HENNEKE
Grand Prairie manufacturer seeking land near Grapevine Reports on architectural sheet manufacturer Metal Panel Inc.'s search for land in Grapevine and Colleyville in Grand Prairie, Texas to build its facility. Metal Panel's lease of its current facilities; Financial growth of Metal Panel. A Bronsta...
The baby gator is one of just eight known leucistic alligators in the world, according to Gatorland, the park where it was born. Dec 8, 2023 Woman's body found in jaws of Florida alligator The 13-foot alligator was "humanely killed," and the victim's remains were recovered by a ...
GENERAL SURGERY:LOVE, C LANCE, MD: 830-997-6000; 820 Reuben St, Ste A, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. General Surgery HEARING:NEWSOUND HEARING CENTERS: 830-428-3075; 1204 N Llano St, Ste A, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. newsoundfredericksburg.com HOME HEALTH SERVICES:CHILDREN...
While all of that was occurring, back in Mexico, an avowedly federalist general, Antonio López de Santa Anna, was leading a successful rebellion against Pres. Anastasio Bustamante, and many Texans claimed that their efforts to force out the military were anticentralist actions in sympathy with ...