EMERGENCIES(Police, Fire, EMS/Medical)Dial 911CITY OF FREDERICKSBURG EMS: Admin: 830-997-5603; 221 Friendship Ln, Fredericksburg, TX 78624. fbgtx.org/departments/ems.htm CRIME STOPPERS-REPORT ANONYMOUSLY-CASH REWARD: 830-997-8477; or mobile app at P3TIPS.COM; or click: Stoppers. Up to $...
BLANCO MINISTERIAL ALLIANCE: POB 487, Blanco 78606. First Baptist Church: 830-833-5458; 1012 Oakridge Dr, Blanco, TX 78606-5003. Financial aid to transients (food, gas, or shelter) with a maximum aid limit in effect. Assistance to Blanco residents with some type of bills. Referrals to ...
Horseshoe Bay Business Alliance-Shop Horseshoe Bay: 830-220-2474 shoplocalhsb.com. Francie Dix: fdixhsb@gmail.com , Mike Brittain: 830-220-2468, mbritthsbba@gmail.com NEIGHBORING TOWNS: 3 mi SW of Cottonwood Shores; 16 mi (by road) SE of Granite Shoals; 16 mi (by road) SE of Highl...
Haiti is a “dangerous country” now because of therecent presidential assassinationandearthquake, Nicole Phillips, the legal director for Haitian Bridge Alliance, an advocacy group for Haitian migrants, told CNN on Monday. “People still have yet to get drinking water and medical care,” she said...