Circumstantial DUI Laws in Texas Depending on how many offenses you’ve had prior to your current arrest, you’ll face various penalties in Texas ranging from fines to imprisonment. While every case is unique, here are the legal implications assigned to various circumstances pursuant to Texas DUI...
Disorderly conduct is amisdemeanoroffense in Texas that includes noise complaints and altercations in public places. As long as it is a first offense, the penalties are typically minor and include fines and maybe probation. Unlike most misdemeanor offenses, a police officer can arrest you on a d...
Having represented Texans accused of all sorts of crimes, we understand what you are going through. We also understand the local laws and the Texas criminal justice system. If you are charged with robbery, contact us today. Maybe you planned a robbery, went through with it, and now regret ...
Texas Drunk Driving, Cell Phone, and Text Messaging Laws As a Texas teen driver, it's important for you to learn the Texas laws regarding drunk driving, the use of cell phone and/or text messaging devices while driving a motor vehicle in Texas. Drunk Driving The State of Texas takes drun...
Do you have questions about how an estate plan can provide for your family? Contact our law firm to schedule an appointment to learn how we can help.
Texas state laws do not include a well-defined exhaust noise law and do not specify a decibel limit when it comes to mufflers. Emissions tests do not check for noise levels, and vehicle owners can be cited for having a loud exhaust. Some cities in Texas have local ordinances regarding nois...
Blackburn Betts PLLC offers expert DUI, drug crime, and criminal defense in Austin, Texas and the surrounding areas. Don’t settle for less; call for a free Case Evaluation.
In 1972, the death penalty was abolished by the Supreme Court; however, States like Texas enacted new death penalty laws that were eventually found to be constitutional and the practice resumed. getty images/ canva Every Texas inmate,45 men, on death row saw their death sentence commuted to ...
Thus, understanding and adhering to Texas DUI laws is not just about avoiding penalties, it’s about preserving the safety of both the individual driver and the broader public. We strongly advocate for responsible driving to prevent unnecessary accidents and uphold the law. Handling Uninsured Motoris...
Here are some examples of laws that are frequently violated in Texas. Gallery Credit:Billy Jenkins Driving under the influence (DUI) Canva Driving under the influence (DUI) Operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is a serious offense and a common law violation. It en...