an example, the county district clerks site has an online. If that's the county, there's a tab above "Records," the drop-down will have a hyperlink, "Online Records Search," which will take you to a page with a hyperlink, "Dallas County Felony and Misdemeanor Courts Case Information....
Driving with a suspended license is amisdemeanorin Texas. Under Texas law, driving while your license is suspended typically does not lead to jail time on the first offense, but could end up costing you more infines and an even longer suspension. The police can charge you with driving while...
However, I have known people who have driven the county roads aroundEast Texaswhile totally naked and they enjoyed it along with the freedom that came along with it. Believe it or not, people are driving along I-20 throughMarshallandLongview, Texas right now buck naked! READ MORE:Is it l...
On November 6, 2024, a Texas state district court jury found that a large e-discovery vendor violated Title 7, Chapter 33 of the Texas Penal Code, which provides that accessing a computer without its owner’s permission is a Class B misdemeanor. This case highlights the importance for e-di...
July 2006:A Los Angeles Mercedes-Benz area auto dealer sold a lemon to a client of Mr. Dell. An amicable settlement was reached with the dealer taking back the lemon, returning all of the client's money plus extra for rentals, insurance, and other damages. ...
driving while impaired (DWI), driving under the influence (DUI), conspiracy, weapons violations, internet crimes, cyber crimes, computer crimes, white collar crimes, pornography, obscenity, lewd molestation, prostitution, pandering, indecent exposure, child pornography, criminal appeals, post conviction,...
In Texas, it is not legal to operate a motor vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.081% or higher. This offense is known as Driving While Intoxicated (DWI). The BAC limit is even lower for minors, as Texas has a zero-tolerance protocol for drunk driving by those under the age...
Whatever your offense, I’ve handled it before – and, in most outcomes, have successfully resolved it without my client having to go to court. It is vital to preserving your driving record. Don’t overlook the fact that a ticket will affect your record. From insurance rates to points on...
the categorization of substances into the penalty groups is baed on potential for abuse and accepted medical use, although this has often been the center of much debate. Penalties for possession vary depending on the type and amount of the substance, ranging from a Class B misdemeanor to enhance...
Driving through Oklahoma recently and watching Tiger King of late, Ernest “Big Daddy” Bux was intrigued that they are apparently 5,000 to 15,000 tigers in the United States and only 3,500 in the “wild.” Hearing that an 8-12 week old cub offered for “cub petting” in a roadside ...