TransCore serves as TxDOT’s statewide toll system integrator and maintenance provider for all new toll lanes deployed throughout the State of Texas. Since TxDOT began tolling operations, TransCore’sInfinitysystem has served as the system of choice. As TxDOT migrated from cash-based operations ...
Reports on the 2004 National Partner Award given by the Clean Cities Program of the U.S. Department of Energy to Texas Department of Transportation in August 2004. Efforts made by the Texas Department of Transportation in advancing non-petroleum alternative fuels; Implications of the clean air ...
The department is partnering with state law enforcement officials as part of its “Be Safe. Drive Smart.” campaign. TxDOT writes that speed was linked to one third of all roadway crashes in Texas last year. That means that excessive speeds played a role in more than 162,000 a...
USDOT Announces V2X Deployment Plan On August 16, the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) announced a vehicle-to-everything communications (V2X) deployment plan, " Saving Lives with Connectivity: A Plan to Accelerate V2X Deployment ." The deployment plan is intended to guide the ...
According to a press release from TxDOT, the TxDOT Tyler District, which includes Anderson, Cherokee, Gregg, Henderson, Rusk, Smith, Van Zandt, and Wood Counties, continue to experience one of the highest fatality rates in the state.
Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) officials announced an update to the speed limit on FM 1417 to 45 mph. The speed limit update will go into effect December 10, 2024,... Hicks named BHS Principal & Boles named Interim Superintendent ...
The Texas Department of Transport (TxDOT) last weekannounceda 10-year, $100bn road building plan. The investment, a state record, is $15bn more than the 2023 Unified Transportation Programme and is based on tax revenues derived from the oil and gas industry. ...
The Texas Department of Transportation (Texas DOT) has developed two new bridge superstructure systems that have maximum span lengths of 115 ft and a total superstructure depth of only 38 in. and are totally prefabricated: a steel tub girder and a prestressed concrete pretopped U-beam. The stee...
Move over or slow down for police, fire, EMS, Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) vehicles and tow trucks stopped on the side of the road with emergency lights activated. Extend this courtesy to other drivers stopped on the side of the road. ...