Analyses of a dust-devil dataset collected in northwest Texas are presented. The data were collected just above the ground at close range with a mobile, W-band, Doppler radar having an azimuthal (radial) resolution of 3-5 m (30 m) at the range of the dust devils. Most dust devils ...
A mobile, W-band Doppler radar scanned, at close range, portions of a tornado near Happy, Texas, on 5 May 2002. Simultaneous boresighted video images were also recorded, which facilitated correlating the radar-observed features of the tornado with its visual features. Range-height indicators (...
Abilene/Dyess Air Force Base Worth, Texas Animated Nexrad Doppler Radar with Zoomable Closeup City Views, Including Animated Lightning Radar Loop and Weather Advisories
Highlights from the Texas Tech Ka-band Mobile Doppler Radar and StickNet Data Collection During VORTEX2Texas Tech University is responsible for two major observational platforms in VORTEX2. The first of these platforms is dubbed StickNet, an array of 24 in situ observation suites mounted on ...
A mobile, W-band Doppler radar scanned, at close range, portions of a tornado near Happy, Texas, on 5 May 2002. Simultaneous boresighted video images were also recorded, which facilitated correlating the radar-observed features of the tornado with its visual features. Range–height indicators (...
L. Pazmany, 2004: The vertical structure of a tornado near Happy, Texas, on 5 May 2002: High-resolution, mobile, W-band, Doppler radar observations. Mon. Wea. Rev., 132, 2325-2337.C. C. Weiss, and A. L. Pazmany, 2004b: The vertical structure of a tornado near Happy, Texas, ...
Using Doppler radar to more accurately predict the occurrence of severe hail in the Arkansas-Louisiana-Texas regionThe National Weather Service officially changed the hail criterion for severe thunderstorms from 19.0 mm (0.75 in.) to 25.4 mm (1 in.) on 5 January 2010. A change to the hail ...
P4A.2 Doppler-radar observations of dust devils in Texas (2003 - 32BC31R5C_31radar)PA. Dopplerradar observations of dust devils in Texas ( BCRCradar)
5.5 Highlights from the Texas Tech Ka-band Mobile Doppler Radar and StickNet Data Collection During VORTEX2 Christopher C. Weiss Texas Tech University,Deployments on 13 case days (five in 2009, eight in 2010) are considered to be in Reinhart, AE,CC Weiss, DC Dowell, 2010: Verification of ...
5.5 Highlights from the Texas Tech Ka-band Mobile Doppler Radar and StickNet Data Collection During VORTEX2 (2010 - 25SLS_25sls)Highlights from the Texas Tech Kaband Mobile Doppler Radar and StickNet Data Collection During VORTEX ( SLSsls)...