TEXAS DEPT OF STATE HEALTH SERVICES - WOMEN, INFANTS & CHILDREN (WIC) PROGRAM: HQ: 800-942-3678; 1100 W 49th St, Austin, TX 78756. dshs.state.tx.us/wichd Nutrition education, breast feeding support and education, WIC foods – infant formula, milk, cereal, cheese, peanut butter, ...
TEXAS DEPT OF TRANSPORTATION (TXDOT) WIDLFLOWER RESOURCES:Web. Links to an extensive list of resource articles within the TXDOT system. TEXAS PARKS & WILDLIFE WILDFLOWER RESOURCES:Web. Links to lots of articles within the TPWD system, plus pictures and sightings. 800-452-9292 (counselors 8a-6p...
Monitoring of foredunes on Padre Island, Texas / by B.E. Dahl and J.P. Goen. Texas Tech Univ Lubbock Dept of Range and Wildlife ManagementGoen, J. PDahl, B. E. & Goen, J. P., 1977. Monitoring of foredunes on Pa- dre ... BE Dahl,Goen, J. P 被引量: 20发表: 1977年 加...
Seshadri Ramkumar, a professor of chemical countermeasures and advanced materials in Texas Tech University’s Department of Environmental Toxicology, has co-authored a study utilizing standardized methods to evaluate common household fabrics as alternative materials for barrier face coverings. Olukayode Jame...
Taking their cue from the then recently-built SH 151 where the land for the road was entirely donated, officials lined-up donated land to build a road from US 90 to Potranco Rd. The State Dept. of Highways and Public Transportation (now TxDOT) accepted the land and, recognizing the likel...
While at Walter P Moore, Dudley was selected as an adjunct professor at the University of Houston, teaching a building science course. More recently, he was offered a position as an adjunct professor in Texas A&M’s Construction Science Dept. ...
Hippensteel, David L., U.S. Dept. of Energy-Nevada Operations Office, North Las Vegas, NV The primary objective of risk-based corrective action is to establish a direct relationship between the extent of a corrective action and the level of risk (potential harm from contaminant exposure) asso...
International Journal of Public AdministrationWyse, Allen J., Kelly J. Bryant, Lonnie L. Jones, and Ronald D. Lacewell. 1993. "Regional Economic Impacts of Policy-Induced Changes in Agricultural Production: An Example for the Texas Coast." Resource Policy Analysis Series PR 93-1, Dept. Agric...
DOE Department of Energy EOC Emergency Operations Center EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDD Fire Department Directory FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency FEPP Federal Excess Personal Property FIA Forest Inventory Analysis FLP Forest Legacy Program ...
CalGem (previously DOGGR)-California Dept. of Conservation OCC -Oklahoma Corporation Commission NSWA -National Stripper Well Association Orphan Well Plugging -Well Done Foundation " We are consciously value driven" Harvest Petroleum remains independently owned and was never acquired by any other company...