and said democrats would deploy "every form of resource" into the issue. harris said she had convened meetings with leaders in states such as pennsylvania, michigan, georgia and south carolina, and would also host leaders representing americans with disabilities - a group lik...
a voucher-like program that would have offered parents tax dollars to pay for their child’s private schooling and other educational expenses. Twenty-one Republicans, most of whom represented rural school districts, joined all House Democrats to oppose...
Houston Democrats Clawed Their Way to Power. Now They’re Clawing at Each Other. After a contentious primary for the district attorney's seat, some local liberals are fighting over the party's direction. By Sam Russek Food & Drink| July 30, 2024 Experts Agree: Texas’s Pizza Is Gettin...
Texas Gov. Greg Abbott speaks during a border security briefing on June 30, 2021 in Weslaco, Texas. Texas Gov. Greg Abbott on Tuesday signed a bill that features notable new voting restrictions in the state, despite a six-week walkout by Democrats who oppose the controvers...
As Texas Democrats enter the second week of their holdout on Monday, they are continuing their media blitz with a town hall on cable news and meetings with members of Congress. Jul 19, 2021 The 'Surreal' Days Of Runaway Texas Legislators Expected To Go On For Some Time ...
Back in the spring,disagreementsbetween Senate and House Republicans delayed the final vote on the proposal until the last day of Texas’s regular legislative session, making it easy for Democrats to kill that bill byleaving the capitol early that day, since the Texas Legislature ...
Democrats are also decrying the Republican policy push of "election integrity" as a political maneuver that creates a solution when they say there is no existing problem. MORE: Voting rights legislation sits in Congress while states move ahead with reforms ...
Education savings accounts: ESAs would allow families to access public funding to pay for private schools. The idea was blocked last year by a coalition of House Democrats and rural Republicans who were concerned the policy would funnel money out of the schools that serve the ...
Democrats Attempt to Repeal the Comstock Act, Push Mail-Order Abortions U.S. Democrat Senators are attempting to repeal a longstanding federal law that prohibits the mailing… Abortion June 28, 2024 0 Biden Promotes Abortion Until Birth Despite Claims in Presidential Debate Joe Biden lied about...
“We are going backward instead of forward,” Naranjo said with a pained shrug. And then, like generations of Texas women before her, she got back to work. More About: Politics & Policy Planned Parenthood Longreads Abortion Read Next Why Uvalde—A Rallying Cry for Texas Democrats—Went for...