You can confirm your official house and senate districts on your voter registration card or with your county elections department. Use My Location - Or - SubmitElected Officials Directory As part of Texas Directory’s commitment to make it easier for Texans to know more about who represents ...
Senate Bill 1750would eliminate the position of election administrator in counties with a population of 3.5 million or more (Harris County is the only county with this many people). Because who needs qualified professionals overseeing elections when you can just eliminate their position...
Yes. If you're away from home but still in Texas, you can request what is called a "limited ballot" but you can only vote early, not on 11/5, and onlyat the main early voting location. For questions, contact: El Paso County Elections Administrator Lisa Renee Wise 500 E. San Antonio...
The Paxton Effect i.e. Republicans who voted for Attorney General Ken Paxton's impeachment in the Collin County area. In the contest for Texas House District 21, the third-ranking lawmaker is at the center of attention. House Speaker Dade Phelan is in a fight to hold onto his House seat...
Jefferson County Elections Mission Statement As election professionals in the Jefferson County Clerk’s Office, we will ensure the integrity of the electoral process, establish and enhance public confidence, encourage citizen participation through voter training and education, and develop professional election...
County Offices District Court Tax Rate Information Truth in Taxation Summary Public Notices Elections TX Public Information Act Austin County Jail Museum Bellville Medical Center Bluebonnet Groundwater Conservation District County Facts Historical Commission Holiday Calendar Employment Opportun...
Steven: There's been some concern, social media talk, about your offices actions, specifically in Harris County. What's going on down there where you felt the need to send some observers. I don’t want to say intervene, but Harris County is being looked at different than Dal...
Unfortunately, as Julie Adams, a member of the Fulton County Board of Registration and Elections, found out, sometimes you have to sue the state just to do your job. The push for automatic certification is especially unusual, particularly because the Democrat Party in 2018 in Georgia wanted a...
I was born and raised in Orange County. I was educated in the state’s public schools and graduated from the University of California system… But for that very reason, our failures of governance worry me. California has the highest poverty rate in the nation, when you factor in housing ...
Know when Texas law requires parties to perform primary elections. Whenever the party reaches about 10% of the population it has to perform primary election for COUNTY, STATE, AND CONGRESSIONAL OFFICES HAVE TO DO PRIMARY ELECTIONS (if its a city or special district there is no need for primary...