A master’s degree in counseling may open doors for you, your future clients and your community at large. There are several ways to become a licensed counselor in the state of Texas. Programs across the state come in varying formats: online, in-person and hybrid. Schools also offer speciali...
Sarah Lorenz, a licensed professional counselor in Texas, told the state board last month that Texas is facing a severe shortage of mental health providers and dropping an additional test will not do enough to help. “We need to fix this provider shortage crisis,” Lorenz said, suggesting that...
I have over 15 years' experience as a Licensed Professional Counselor. While I address a wide range of issues through traditional talk psychotherapy including depression, anxiety, substance abuse and marriage issues, I specialize in hypnosis. I am an International Board Certified Clinical Hypno...
She is Ample + RootED® trained in the treatment of eating disorders, a Certified Intuitive Eating Counselor, and an active member of Central Texas Eating Disorder Specialists. Kerry takes a special interest in thoughtful deprescribing — helping individuals to safely discontinue medications they no...
Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board Texas Aquaculture Association Texas Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Texas Arabian Distance Riders Association Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory Texas Archeological Society Texas Archival Resources Online ...
Texas Appraiser Licensing and Certification Board Texas Aquaculture Association Texas Aquatic Plant Management Society, Inc. Texas Arabian Distance Riders Association Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory Texas Archeological Society Texas Archival Resources Online Texas Area Killifish Organization Texas Area Lightn...
CEU approvals. Looking for CEUs approved by your Licensing Board? See our CEUs approval chart or visit our state by state CEU approvals page.
TEXAS VETERANS LAND BOARD (VLB): glo.state.tx.us/vlb TEXAS WORKFORCE COMMISSION: twc.state.tx.us TEXVET: texvet.com milvetpeer.net TROOPS TO TEACHERS: texastroopstoteachers.org VA MEDICAL CENTERS & OUTPATIENT CLINICS IN TEXAS: VA Medical Center or clinic ...
Austin counseling for adults and adolescents with depression, stress, anxiety, relationship and other mental health issues - Counselor Austin, Texas providing psychotherapy, counseling and therapy.
On Sunday, August 28, 2005,Harold Washington was living in New Orleans, supporting himself as a substance abuse counselor and repairing his friends’ computers in his spare time. On Monday, Hurricane Katrina changed all that. The next day, Washington set out from the Ninth Ward, wading through...