Texas has sued a New York doctor for prescribing abortion pills to a woman near Dallas, launching one of the first challenges in the U.S. to shield laws that Democrat-controlled states passed to protect physicians after Roe v. Wade was overturned. Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton filed the...
Despite Texas state lawmakers' attempt to deny Republicans the quorum they needed to pass the voting bill, the Republican-controlled legislature passed the bill last week, sending the legislation, which makes the Lone Star State one of the most restrictive states in which to cast...
Texas joins a number of other states controlled by Republicans in passing what are known as "heartbeat bills" which typically aim to ban abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected. These types of measures, including Mississippi's 15-week abortion ban that's currently before the high court,...
practice of medicine in the state, and specifically the state’s efforts to fight prescription abuse. Senate Bill 195, passed in the most recent legislative session, serves up some significant changes to the Department of Public Safety’s (DPS) role in regulating the prescribing of controlled ...
Well, I think it takes us in many ways right back to the past where some of these folks would like us to be, where white men control everything in the state of Texas. Dallas, where I live, was effectively controlled by the Ku Klux Klan a hundred years ago. ...
Texas Steroid Laws: An Overview of the State's Regulations on Steroids The state of Texas has strict regulations on anabolic steroids, which are classified as Schedule III controlled substances. This means that the possession, sale, and use of steroids without a valid prescription from a licensed...
The selected drugs were used by 5.3 million Medicare beneficiaries between 2023-2024, representing $41 billion in prescription drug costs. The first round of negotiations is expected to save Medicare beneficiaries $1.5 billion in out-of-pocket costs when implemented in 2026. Mergers, Acquisitions &...
Medicine and Prescriptions Medicines are controlled substances and are subject to strict regulations. Prescription medications may only be mailed by Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) registered distributors. Poisons Canva Poisons Poisons are considered toxins....
As a Los Angeles Criminal Lawyer and an Oklahoma Criminal Lawyer, the respective firms will represent you in all courts regarding charges for: trafficking, manufacturing, controlled dangerous substances, possession with intent to distribute, possession of cocaine, possession of heroin, possession of mar...
address the Texas Prescription Monitoring Program ("PMP"), if the rules take effect, it would be prudent for telemedicine providers to review PMP data for certain acute pain prescriptions to evaluate whether the patient has previously received medication from a different provider for t...