Business Entity Registration – Forms and Application 5) Doing Business As (DBA) Filing for a fictitious name allows the creation of a business name which is then separate from your legal name. This is called Doing Business As, or DBA. In Texas, if the business will operate as a sole pro...
How do you renew a business license in Texas? Application and renewal processes vary by license type. You can view specific requirements on the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation website. Do you need a business license in Texas to sell online? Your licensing requirements depend on your...
LLC, Business License, Incorporation Texas remains one of our most popular states for incorporation andLLCformation. With the second largest population in the United States, Texas has a thriving business community. Some of the largest U.S. companies, including Exxon Mobil and Dell, maintain their...
You can learn more on our Texas Business License page. Complete the Franchise Tax Questionnaire The Texas Franchise Tax Questionnaire is a series of online questions you must complete in order to get your XT number (which you’ll need to file Franchise Tax Returns, if applicable). We’ll wal...
If you want to request donations in more than one state you will need to file a national application. We can help you with this. Our fee is $3,125 plus any filing fees $89.00 Indemnification When you incorporate or organize your business you are protected as a Shareholder or Member (owne...
You can apply online with the IRS by downloading IRS Form SS-4 (PDF)(116 KB), or work alongside a third party organization like MyCorporation to complete an EIN application. Use our Step By Step Guide 1. Choose a name for your business. 2. Choose your management structure 3. ...
Simple: Complete Online Order, Application & Sign! Become A Texas Notary Public - Fast Onsite Online Entry & Signing of Application! Texas State Notary Bureau is proud to be a Texas-based notary service organization approved and authorized by the Texas Secretary of State to process and file not...
Texas Real Estate License Courses Online - Houston, Dallas, Austin, San Antonio, Ft Worth -Texas Realtor School - TREC approved TX RE school courses
If you are starting a formal business in Texas, it is required that you have a Taxpayer ID number. Texas Comptroller of Public accounts issues tax ID numbers. Applications can be completed online. The turnaround time after your application has been printed, signed and sent to the comptroller ...
13. Export Control Exports, re-exports, and transfers of TI products, including technology, software, software source code, technical data, related technology, and the direct products thereof (collectively “TI Items”) are subject to US export controls and sanctions, including, but not limited to...