TEXAS - The general and special elections are here! Below are the results for Central Texas races as of 4:30 p.m. May 5. Travis Central Appraisal District Board of Directors - Place 1 Jett Hanna - 35,597 (69%) Don Zimmerman - 15,653 (31%) Travis Central Appraisal District Board of...
The two biggest states in the top ten, Texas and Florida, still look GOP, if the modeling is accurate. It should be pointed out, however, that the early vote totals on the website differ seriously from the count provided by theTexas Board of Elections. [My mistake: inserted total for r...
County election boards are required by state law in North Carolina to meet at 11 a.m. on Nov. 15 to complete their canvases. The State Board of Elections is required to meet on the Tuesday three weeks after the election, Nov. 26. If there are no protests to the results, that board ...
The State Bar of Texas Board of Directors’ Nominations and Elections Subcommittee voted Monday to recommend the nomination of Denise Scofield, of Houston, and Santos Vargas, of San Antonio, as candidates for 2024-2025 State Bar president-elect. If the board approves their nominations, Scofield an...
elections work at Explaining Election 2024, a series from The Associated Press aimed at helping make sense of the American democracy. The AP receives support from several private foundations to enhance its explanatory coverage of elections and democracy. See more about AP’s democracy initiative here...
Board of Elections for the District of Columbia, 319 F. Supp. 437 (DC 1970); Wood v. Putterman, 316 F. Supp. 646 (Md.), aff'd, 400 U.S. 859 (1970); Socialist Workers Party v. Rockefeller, 314 F. Supp. 984 (SDNY), aff'd, 400 U.S. 806 (1970) [Footnote 18] The 55-...
Primary runoff elections are May 28. The primary election ushers in the state's party convention process. Both party's state conventions will be held May 23 through 25. The Republican party will convene in San Antonio while the Democratic party assembles in El Paso. ...
The State Board of Elections will hold a remote meeting at 1 p.m. on Friday, December 20, 2024. Published:Thursday, December 19th, 2024 @ 8:18 amBy:Eastern NC NOW Staff Congress Sounds Off On ‘Unknown Drones’ Flying Over New Jersey And New York ...
The article reports that Democratic party politician Martha Dominguez won the Texas State Board of education elections against Republican candidate and Chair of the board, Carlos 'Charlie' Garza.doi:...
The Philadelphia Board of Elections normally releases one more small update of mail ballot results in the early morning after Election Day. The final major batch of mail ballots are counted and reported around midday Wednesday. After that, only a small fraction of...