An approved course by the TABC for the training of bartenders and servers. Get your alcohol seller and server license online today for only $5.95
Is your business in need of a liquor license in Texas? Let us help you manage the paperwork and regulations. Check out
Do you need a Texas TABC Bartender license to sell alcohol? Yes,Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission (TABC) requires everyone that sells alcoholic beverages to get a license or permit from them (the TABC). This license or permit is required to sell alcohol in TX, and is only issued by ...
Essential Guide to Obtaining a Commercial Driver’s License in Texas What Are Texas Motorcycle Permit Restrictions? Alcohol or Drug Use by Truckers Post under:Truck Accidents Greg Baumgartner, Founder of Baumgartner Law Firm Since founding the Baumgartner Law Firm in 1985, Greg Baumgartner has establi...
The federal government requires licenses for businesses operating in specific regulated industries, like agriculture, transportation, broadcasting, alcohol, and firearm sales. If you operate in one of these areas, you likely need to apply for a license with the relevant federal agency. The US Small...
Alcohol is listed as the primary factor in approximately 10,000 automotive-related deaths each year according to the NHTSA, but many states emphasize the dangers we can see most easily, and Texas is no exception.What is Texas TDLR? If you’re trying to get a license in Texas to do ...
Unlawful carrying of a handgun without a license is a Class A misdemeanor. Unlawful carrying of a handgun in places where alcohol is sold is a third-degree felony. Possession of an illegal firearm is a third-degree felony. Possession of a firearm on premises with posted no-firearms signs can...
If they have any trace of alcohol in their system and are under 21 years old, Texas will suspend their licenses. Texas also suspends the licenses of minors convicted of buying, possessing, or consuming tobacco. Teens can apply for adult licenses when they turn 18 if they follow all of Texa...
9. New residents who are properly licensed have 30 days after entry into the state to secure a Texas driver license. THE TYPES OF TEXAS DRIVER LICENSES INSTRUCTION PERMIT: This is a permit issued without a photograph for the purpose of permitting a student driver to legally practice when ...
Types of Texas Drivers License Suspensions A Texas drivers license suspension may happen as a consequence of various situations. The state Department of Public Safety suspends or revokes driving privileges due to driving a motor vehicle under alcohol or drug influence or participating in a traffic ac...