Switch to a credit union if you can. They tend to offer lower interest rates on loans and offer more benefits on your loan.My credit unionwill let me skip a payment for Christmas, for example. If you have lines of credit, ask for increases. This will improve your score (just don't ...
Switch to a credit union if you can. They tend to offer lower interest rates on loans and offer more benefits on your loan.My credit unionwill let me skip a payment for Christmas, for example. If you have lines of credit, ask for increases. This will improve your score (just don't ...
Take a Closer Look at ALL of Your Financing Options. Sure, car dealerships usually offer in-house financing--which is great. At the same time, you may be able to get a better deal at your bank or credit union. Explore your options. As Greg Garrison ofGoBankingRatesputs it, "Being pr...