摘自mohuangrui/ucasthesis: 2. 模板文档的编码为UTF-8 编码。所有文件都必须采用UTF-8 编码,否则 编译后生成的文档将出现乱码文本。若出现文本编辑器无法打开文档或打开文 档乱码的问题,请检查编辑器对UTF-8 编码的支持。如果使用WinEdt 作为文本 编辑器(不推荐使用),应在其Options -> Preferences -> wrapping ...
cp ~/font/c70song.fd ~/.texmf-var/tex/latex/CJK/UTF8 复制完后就执行命令刷新缓存,让它生效: sudo texhash updmap --enable Map song.map 假如一切顺序的话, 就测试一下我们安装的song体是否能用吧。 在任意位置编辑这个文件,然后保存为test.tex,支持UTF-8格式: /documentclass{article} /usepackage{CJ...
这是因为,XeTeX是一种使用Unicode的TeX排版引擎,它原生的支持Unicode,并默认其输入文件为utf-8编码。XeTeX可以在不进行额外配置的情况下直接使用操作系统中安装的字体。 然后在需要编译中文时添加如下两行代码: \usepackage{fontspec}\setmainfont[Mapping=tex-text]{Kaiti SC}%{STSong}表示宋体 方案1 :使用字体指定...
%%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode at the beginning of the file. I'm not sure what this means, because I could not find anything about a special%% macro (???)in the "not too short introduction into latex2e" documentation. It did not help anyway. So I removed\maketitleand now I got ...
\ProvidesPackage{../style/thesisstyle} \RequirePackage[utf8]{inputenc} % Universal encoding %\RequirePackage[ansinew]{inputenc} % Windows encoding %\RequirePackage[applemac]{inputenc} % Mac encoding %\RequirePackage[latin1]{inputenc} % Linux encoding \RequirePackage[ngerman]{babel} % New german...
Cloud Studio代码运行 \documentclass[UTF8]{ctexart}\title{文章标题}\author{David}\date{\today}\begin{document}%\maketitle This is the contextofthe article.\end{document} 参考链接:https://blog.csdn.net/aiwei169/article/details/81431363
\subsection*{Accent macro + literal Greek character} Accent + literal Greek (utf-8) character is not supported in 8-bit TeX. \subsection*{The hiatus feature} Tonos and dasia mark a \emph{hiatus} (break-up of a diphthong) if placed on the first vowel of a diphthong. A dialytika must...
Bugfix related to decoding non-UTF8 strings. Feb 14, 2023 setup.py Bugfix related to decoding non-UTF8 strings. Feb 14, 2023 README Code of conduct MIT license Author: Sébastien Loisel PypTeX is the Python Preprocessor for LaTeX. It allows one to embed Python code fragments in a LaTeX...
bib 数据库应使用 UTF-8 编码。 使用著者-出版年制参考文献表时,中文的文献必须在key 域填写著者姓名的拼音,才能按照拼音排序,比如: @book{capital, author = {马克思 and 恩格斯}, key = {ma3 ke4 si1 en1 ge2 si1}, ... 同一处引用多篇文献时,应将各篇文献的 key 一同写在 \cite 命令中,如...
utf8.md --to latex --from markdown+autolink_bare_uris+ascii_identifiers+tex_math_single_backslash --output test.tex --template "C:\PROGRA~1\R\R-35~1.3\library\RMARKD~1\rmd\latex\DEFAUL~3.TEX" --highlight-style tango --pdf-engine pdflatex --variable graphics=yes --variable "...