Tetris 99is a free-to-play battle royale game that sees up to 99-players competing in rounds of classic Tetris in real-time, with the goal of clearing lines as rapidly as possible. Removed lines then turn into piles of ‘junk’ that clutter up other players’ boards and can cause them...
Game : 游戏 选择模式后即可开始对战BATTLE2P:两人对决模式SPRINT 4P:四人竞速模式BATTLE 6P:六人战役模式MARATHON:单人马拉松模式SPRINT:单人竞速模式Play Now : 开始游戏 其余显示内容&辅助工具TETRISCOINS : 硬币(游戏币)TETRIS CASH : 现金(点数)球济曲半调当乙而本若ENERGY REMAINING : 剩馀能量OPE丰站三N TH...