Dahlhaus, M., Almstadt, E., Appel, K.E., 1994. The pentachlorophe- nol metabolite tetrachloro-p-hydroquinone induces the formation of 8-hydroxy-2-deoxyguanosine in liver DNA of male B6C3F1 mice. Toxicol. Lett. 74 (3), 265-274....
1) 甄准编号: ZZS-MET690A; 2) 中文品名: 四氯对苯二酚; 3) 英文品名: Tetrachlorohydroquinone; 4) CAS No.87-87-6; 5) 规格: 1g 甄准免费 公司简介 上海甄准生物科技有限公司(简称甄准)专业提供科研试剂产品,主要包括高端化学试剂、生物学试剂、分析标准品、对照品、标准物质等,应用覆盖药物分析领域、食...
tetrachlorohydroquinone CAS NO: 87-87-6 分子量: 247.8909 EC NO: 201-779-1 规格: 暂无数据 包装: 暂无数据 结构式: 立即询盘400-1166-196;18981987031;028-8455550613458535857 产品介绍 暂无产品详细介绍 品名:四氯氢醌 用途:暂无数据 别名暂无数据 ...
Purification and characterization of a tetrachloro-phydroquinone reductive dehalogenase from a Flavobacterium sp - Xun, Topp, et al. - 1992 () Citation Context ...lucose or pyruvate were partially the same. According tosthe former reports of PCP degradation pathway by Sphingomonas chlorophenolica (...
Electrochemical data, which includes cyclic voltammetry, normal pulse voltammetry and RDE voltammetry indicate that the complexed tetrachlorohydroquinone dianion is oxidized via a single wave in two closely spaced one electron processes with rapid intermediate chemical reactions to tetrachloro- p-benzoquinone....
Chemical Physics LettersH. Kobashi, T. Nagumo, and T. Morita, “Hydrogen-atom abstraction by p-chloranil triplet from tetrachlorohydroquinone and the presence of a competitive deactivation process,” Chem. Phys. Lett., 57 , No. 3, 369–372 (1978)....