Alongside, TESTSGD also provides an estimated group discrimination score based on sampling the input space to measure the degree of the identified subtle group discrimination, which is guaranteed to be accurate up to an error bound. We evaluate TESTSGD on multiple neural network models trained on ...
test_stepsize_alg_demo.m test_stepsize_alg_demo_new.m test_sum_quadratic.m tool .gitattributes .gitignore LICENSE.txt demo.m demo_ext.m demo_paper.m run_me_first.m sgdlibrary_version.m Latest commit Cannot retrieve latest commit at this time. ...
SGD-4 test rig for metrological analysis, calibration and verification of multipoint pressure modules is described. The structure, composition and metrological performances of the test rig are presented. The functions of UPK POTOK unified software package, serving as software base for the test rig, ...
Tensors and Dynamic neural networks in Python with strong GPU acceleration - Fix test_sgd_weight_decay_xpu accuracy error · pytorch/pytorch@a20bedc
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四川省建设工程计价定额(SGD1-2000)定额解释 1、施工单位到外地施工,人工费如何调整? 答:按当地的人工资调整系数执行。 2、不同所有制的施工企业承包工程时,是否按定额工资标准执行? 答:均按定额工资标准及地区人工调整系数执行。 3、规范、规程规定的砼粗骨料的最大粒径与定额中规定的粗骨料的最大粒径不同时,...
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