renal functiontubularurinalysisReliable laboratory tests for renal function are important for (a) the early recognition of perioperative renal failure; (b) helping to detect and monitor renal disease and; (c) calculating dose adjustments in prescribing for patients with renal failure. Assessment of ...
... 7、选择性蛋白尿指数( SPI) 肾功能检查 renal function tests 1、血尿素氮( BUN) ...|基于8个网页 3. 肾脏功能检验 B、肾脏功能检验(Renal function tests): 血中尿素氮(BUN)、肌酸酣(Cr)。 C、新陈代谢检验(Metobolism tests): 三酸甘油脂(T…|基于2个网页 更多...
Renal Function Tests;Gross structure of the kidney; The kidneys - what are they for?;FUNCTIONS OF THE KIDNEYS The kidneys are the major organs responsible for maintaining a constant level of composition and the volume of the body fluid homeostasis. They have several functions, which can be ...
Related to adrenal function tests:Thyroid function tests ad·re·nal (ə-drē′nəl) adj. 1.At, near, or on the kidneys. 2.Of or relating to the adrenal glands or their secretions. n. An adrenal gland. [ad-+renal.] ad·re′nal·lyadv. ...
Liver Function Tests Definition Liver function tests, or LFTs, include tests for bilirubin, a breakdown product of hemoglobin, and ammonia, a protein byproduct that is normally converted into urea by the liver before being excreted by the kidneys. LFTs also commonly include tests to measure levels...
Evaluation of Renal Function in Rhesus Monkeys and Comparison to Beagle Dogs Following Oral Administration of the Organic Acid Triclopyr (3,5,6-Trichloro-2... F. (1997). Evaluation of renal function in rhesus monkeys and comparison to beagle dogs following oral administration of the organic acid...
Effect of Intraoperative Division of the Left Renal Vein on the Fate of Renal Function and Left Renal Volume After Open Repair of Para- and Juxtarenal Aort... Background:The effect of left renal vein division (LRVD) during open surgery (OS) for pararenal and juxtarenal abdominal aortic an...
High - Alkaline urine (Bacteria Forming) Bilirubin Liver function Blood Bleeding in urinary tract system - Idiopathic (Caused by humans) Trauma - In Heat - Cancer High specific gravity Above 1.040 -Dark- Dehydrated Low specific gravity Below 1.030 - Light - Renal disease...
Fewaretrulyassociatedwithfunction –Albumin:proteinsyntheticfunction–INR:clottingfactorsynthesis Mostarerelatedtocellinjury –Patternspointtospecificcellinjury TestsofLiverInjury AST/ALT –Cytoplasmicenzymesfoundinhepatocytes–Verysensitivemarkerforhepatocyteinjury ▪Specificityispoor(othersources,e.g.muscle)–...
but laboratory confirmation of this is required. Laboratory documentation of abnormal thyroid function is very important, because treatment, whether for hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism, is often lifelong and therefore should not be based on clinical opinion alone. Suspected thyroid disease is more common...