Chronic pancreatitisis long-lasting inflammation. It most often happens after an episode of acute pancreatitis. Another top cause is drinking lots of alcohol for a long period of time. Damage to your pancreas from heavy alcohol use may not cause symptoms for many years, but then you may sudden...
You may also be checked for diabetes. Other tests can include: Ultrasound, CT scan, and MRI, which make images of your pancreas to show the extent of inflammation, causes such as bile duct problems and gallstones, for complications like cysts ERCP, in which your doctor uses a long tube ...
I have been having problems with intermittent nausea for a few months and cramping in the right side. Now the past two weeks it has been pretty constant. This topic is answered by a medical expert.
An ultrasound probe at the end of the tube sends out sound waves. The waves bounce off tissues in the pancreas and other organs. As the doctor slowly withdraws the probe from the intestine toward the stomach, the computer creates a picture of the pancreas from the echoes. The picture can ...
(simple sugars); proteins are broken down into amino acids; and fats are absorbed as fatty acids and glycerol (glycerin). The digestive process takes place in the alimentary canal ordigestive system. The salivary glands, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas are located outside the alimentary canal,...
inflammation of the pancreas(pancreatitis). Chest Pain Chest pain is a common complaint by a patient in the ER. Causes of chest pain include broken or bruised ribs, pleurisy, pneumothorax, shingles, pneumonia, pulmonary embolism, angina, heart attack, costochondritis, pericarditis, aorta or aortic...
In this test, a stool sample is analyzed (immunoassay) for the presence of elastase. This will indicate whether the pancreas is secretingdigestive enzymes. It is preferred over the secretin stimulation test in that it avoids duodenal intubation, however, it is may not detect mild exocrine pancrea...
The pancreas also releases other important enzymes directly into the gut to help digest food. Insulin allows glucose to move out of the blood into cells throughout the body, where it is used for fuel. People with diabetes mellitus either do not produce enough insulin (type 1 diabetes), ...
Cancer Antigen 19-9 (CA 19-9) Testing – This blood test looks for antigens in the bloodstream that are used as markers for pancreatic cancer. It can be used tohelp diagnose cancer of the pancreasas well as to monitor treatment progress. ...
Anything above 500 mg/dL is considered very high. Very high levels of triglycerides are associated with liver andpancreas problems. Triglyceride levels above 1,500 mg/dL are considered extremely high and may cause the body to stop breaking down fats. This may result in memory loss, liver and...