雌激素副作用的影响一般是由剂量的使用高低来 决定的,较高剂量(高于正常治疗水平)的睾酮更需要同时使用抗 雌激素或芳香酶抑制剂来抑制身体的雌激素水平。较高剂量的 睾酮所带来的储水,身体的干度,肌肉清晰度的降低是常见的, 因此这种庚酸睾酮通常被认为不应该加入备赛或减脂 cycle 种。 其适度的雌激素性使其更...
人工合成的睪酮最早出现在二十世纪三十年代,没有酯链,是水态悬浊液针剂,药效快但是需要频繁注射。 1937年Schering的丙酸睪酮Testosterone Propionate上市,它含有酯,释放功效的时间被延缓,这就可以减少注射频率。五十年代初酯链更长的Test E世,进一步放慢了激素活动,Test E也成为了市场的统治者,与Test E没有太大区别...
Testosterone propionate structure CAS No. 57-85-2 Chemical Name: Testosterone propionate Synonyms Androgen;3-Oxoandrost-4-en-17-yl propionate;Pantestin;Aquaviron;Test Prop;Okasa-mascul;Orchisterone;oretonpropionate;Testosteron propionate;Recthormone testosterone ...
Test E是使用最广泛的合成代谢类固醇(AAS),是种缓慢作用的长链睾酮。人工合成的睾酮最早出现在二十世纪三十年代,没有酯链,是水态悬浊液针剂,药效快但是需要频繁注射。 1937年Schering的丙酸睾酮Testosterone Propionate上市,它含有酯,释放功效的时间被延缓,这就可以减少注射频率。五十年代初酯链更长的Te...
Testosterone-Propionate Testosterone-Enanthate Testosterone-Cypionate Testosterone-Suspension Sustanon-250 Omnadren Testosterone-Propionate: The original testosterone; Testosterone-Propionate is one of the most popularly used forms the world over. This type of testosterone is defined by the fast-acting short ...
Product Name:Testosterone Propionate Alias: Testoviron,Sterandryl,Agovirin,Androlin Purity : 99.25% CAS Registry Number: 57-85-2 Einecs NO.: 200-351-1 Molecular formula:C22H32O3 Molecular weight:344.49 Melting point:118-123°C Grade : Pharmaceutical Grade ...
Post-cycle therapy (PCT) is crucial to restore hormone levels and mitigate potential side effects at the end of a Test Cyp cycle. Additionally, regular monitoring of health markers, such as liver function and cholesterol levels, is important for overall well-being during and after the cycle. ...
Out of all the esters that go into making the sustanon formula, propionate is the shortest acting of them all. It lasts for roughly three to four days in the system, and starts to take action after only 24 hours. This means that users can benefit from “immediate” action –they’ll st...
Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) Advanced Peptides Weight Loss Injection Therapies Get Started Safe. Effective. Natural Testosterone Get Enclomiphene Online 6.25mg | 12.5mg. | 25mg Learn More How It Works Text Us Online 1 Provide us your contact information and we will reach out to you to discuss...
Testosterone-Suspension (Less Than 24hrs) Testosterone-Propionate (Approximately 4.5 Days) Testosterone-Enanthate (Approximately 10.5 Days) Testosterone-Cypionate (Approximately 12 Days) OtherTestosterone Steroids While the four previously discussed are the most common there are othertestosterone steroidsthat ar...