Cappelletti and Wallen (2016) stated that both estradiol and testosterone have been implicated as the steroid critical for modulating women's sexual desire. By contrast, in all other female mammals only estradiol has been shown to be critical for female sexual motivation and behavior. Pharmaceutical ...
Abstract Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH) and testosterone (T) both play distinct roles in the early stages of folliculogenesis. However, the relationship between serum T and AMH levels is poorly understood. This study aimed to investigate the association between serum T and AMH levels in infertile wo...
Female sexual dysfunction / hypoactive sexual desire disorder Heart failure Hormonal replacement in prostate cancer survivors with testosterone deficiency Improvement of cognitive function in aging men Menopause (female or male). Table: CPT Codes / HCPCS Codes / ICD-10 Codes Other CPT codes related to...