Androgens also have positive metabolic effects on bone and body composition. According to a Cochrane review in 2005 there is evidence that the addition of testosterone to estrogen/progestogen therapy has a beneficial effect on sexual function in postmenopausal women. For pre- and perimenopausal women ...
These possible effects brought on by increased levels of the hormone are effects most no woman would ever desire. While very few women will reach levels of a nature that can cause these symptoms naturally, the most common method is due to synthetic administration of testosterone (anabolic steroids...
More research is needed and the National Institute of Health Research is currently funding a study to determine the effects of testosterone on women in menopause with the aim of increasing the evidence base for testosterone as a treatment for symptoms beyond altered sexual function....
Source: Women’s Strength Training Although testosterone is a popular male hormone, females also produce it but in a much lesser quantity compared to estrogen. So, how does this hormone affect women? The process is a bit complicated but overall, it has positive effects on women the way it...
Effects of dietary fat and fiber on plasma and urine androgens and estrogens in men: a controlled feeding study. Am J Clin Nutr. 1996; 64(6): 850-5 Zimmerman, Y et al. The effect of combined oral contraception on testosterone levels in healthy women: a systematic review and meta-...
Physiological effects in males Androgen excess in women References & Edit HistoryRelated Topics For Students androgen summary Quizzes Facts You Should Know: The Human Body Quiz Characteristics of the Human Body Discover Why Is Christmas in December?
How To Treat High Testosterone In Women Naturally Simple diet and lifestyle changes can often have significant effects on your overall hormone and testosterone levels. For example, increasing the levels of fat and protein in your meals, while reducing sugar intake and getting enough exercise and sl...
If your body produces too much testosterone, you may have irregular or absent periods. You may also have more body and facial hair than the average woman. Some women with hightestosteronelevels develop frontal balding. Other possible effects include acne, an enlarged clitoris, increased muscle mass...
Testosterone cream for women can cause masculizing effects with increased hair growth, deepening of the voice and weight gain and acne. Enlarged, swollen or tender breasts can result from use of testosterone cream for women. Irritation of the skin is another common side effect while this cream ...
In upcoming articles I will report and comment on recent studies of testosterone therapy in women of all ages, and its beneficial as well as potential side-effects. Stay tuned! References: 1. Greenblatt, R.B.,The use of androgens in the menopause and other gynecic disorders.Obstet Gynecol ...