1.蛋白质合成能力提高 蛋白质是构成肌肉组织的原料,Test E能够提高人体合成蛋白质的速率,从而提高了合成代谢活动和身体恢复的速度。 2.提高氮存留 提高氮存留能够保证合成代谢环境,肌肉组织中氮含量约为16%,低于这个值会出现分解代谢。正氮平衡意味着合成代谢,提高组织生长的能力保护肌肉不流失。 3.红血球细胞数提高...
1937年Schering的丙酸睾酮Testosterone Propionate上市,它含有酯,释放功效的时间被延缓,这就可以减少注射频率。五十年代初酯链更长的Test E问世,进一步放慢了激素活动,Test E也成为了市场的统治者,与Test E没有太大区别的环戊丙酸睾酮(Testosterone Cypionate)几年后也开始销售。购买Test E是最常用的治...
Testosterone Enanthate+Testosterone cypionate (Arm A: Testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate) 獵鹹憲構蓋壓淵醖鏇夢(憲膚簾窪觸鹹夢選築糧) = 獵遞鑰網簾襯鹹憲觸鹹 窪選網觸網積蓋鹽範糧 (製鏇鏇艱衊鏇艱鬱餘鏇, 鏇範繭鏇齋構憲範遞繭 ~ 淵構窪衊構鹹鬱醖壓鑰) 更多 - 2019-05-01...
英文名testosterone17B-cypionate 别名环戊丙酸睾 环戊丙酸睾酮 环戊丙酸睾丸素 1-睾酮环戊丙酸酯 睾酮-17Β-环戊丙酸酯 4-雄甾烯-17Β-醇-3-酮-17-环戊丙酸酯 17Β-羟基-4-雄甾烯-3-酮-17-环戊丙酸酯 英文别名T-Ionate-P.A Testosteronecypionate ...
Twitter Google Share on Facebook testosterone (redirected fromTestosterone cypionate) Thesaurus Medical Encyclopedia Related to Testosterone cypionate:Testosterone propionate,Testosterone enanthate tes·tos·ter·one (tĕs-tŏs′tə-rōn′) n.
Testosterone-Enanthate (Testosterone) Testosterone-Enanthate; it is not only the most commonly use testosterone compound in the world of performance enhancement, but the most commonly used anabolic steroid. Further, for therapeutic purposes, while Testosterone-Cypionate is the most common in the U.S....
Testosterone Enanthateis known to be the European version ofTestosterone Cypionate. It is an oil based injectable steroid which has a slow release in the bloodstream and a time of action of 2-3 weeks. Testosterone Enanthate is the most known and most used Testosterone ester. It is used in an...
Testosterone Cypionate is one of the many esterified variants of Testosterone available, and is most likely the second most popular esterified variant (the first being Testosterone Enanthate). It is an injectable form of Testosterone with a slow rate of release and a longer half-life. However, th...
Cypionate是一种比较难得到的长效睾酮,Cypionate可以有效的增长肌肉块和力量,比Enanthate稍稍更有效,在睾酮中很受欢迎,但它处水较多,且相对其它合成类药物比可能的反作用相对多些,临床一般有效用量200-1000mg每周,许多人更用到2000mg/周,当然这样不太安全。 产品目录英文名字生产地 庚酸睾酮注射液250mg*10ml...
Testosterone Enanthate Testosterone Propionate Testosterone Cypionate and Testosterone Enanthate are the most popular. They have a longer half life (the time the medication will stay active in the body) than Testosterone Propionate and can be used less often. How long does it take for testosterone in...