德图testotesto-830-T1 便携式测温枪规格说明文档下载链接地址http://www.testeb.com/download/201610/testo830_T1_S1_T2_manual.pdf。(注)点击链接可直接阅读文档,或右键选择“另存为”保存到电脑。 产品规格说明书 ST80说明书:http://www.testeb.com/download/201503/20150304113712_784.pdf 3iSmartLT说明书:ht...
testo 890 - Thermal imager (640 x 480 pixels, focus manual/auto, laser, 1 lens selectable) testo 890 professional thermal imager: resolution 640 × 480 pixels, upgradable to 1280 × 960 pixels with SuperResolution technology, thermal sensitivity < 40 mK ...
testo 890 kit - Thermal imager (640 x 480 pixels, focus manual/auto, laser, 2 lenses selectable) Pencitra termal (640 x 480 piksel, fokus manual/otomatis, laser, 2 lensa dapat dipilih) testo 890 professional thermal imager: resolution 640 × 480 pixels, upgradable to 1280 × 960 pixels...
Manual focus Check that the thermal imager offers manual focus. Manual focus allows more precise adjustment of the focus on the target, which is especially important at varying distances. Interchangeable lenses Interchangeable lenses greatly increase the versatility of your thermal imager. Wide-angle len...
testo 883-1 - Thermal imager (320 x 240 pixels, 30° manual focus, app, laser) Best image quality: IR resolution of 320 x 240 pixels (with SuperResolution 640 x 480 pixels); NETD < 40 mk Useful features: testo SiteRecognition intelligent image management and testo ScaleAssist automatic co...