2022年5月,由北京大学第一医院肾脏内科吕继成教授主持的TESTING随机临床试验结果在《美国医学会杂志》( JAMA )发表,明确了糖皮质激素对IgA肾病的疗效,研究结果显示,激素可以减少41%的尿毒症风险,虽然全剂量组试验终止,但糖皮质激素减量治疗方案的疗效不劣于全剂量治疗方案,且安全性更高。在近期的国际肾脏病学会(ISN)...
Exploring Chrome testing motivations, addressing the challenges faced by testers and developers, and enhancing automated testing environments
网络应用程序安全测试 - Introduction to Web Application Security Testing 2023-8共计5条视频,包括:1. Course Introduction、2. Introduction to Web Application Security、3. Web Application Security Testing等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
Here’s a list of Top API Testing Tools in 2023, along with its features, advantages and disadvantages to help you choose the right api tool for you project
常见攻击测试 - Web Application Security Testing Testing for Common Attacks 2023-9共计5条视频,包括:1. Course Introduction(1)、2. HTTP Method Tampering、3. Attacking Basic HTTP Authentication等,UP主更多精彩视频,请关注UP账号。
车企想要在大趋势下赢得先机,掌握智能网联、电动相关前沿技术、完善产业链、充分满足用户需求,已然是决胜当下的关键所在。为与时俱进,加强行业交流,8月9日至8月11日,2023中国汽车测试及质量监控博览会(Automotive Testing Expo China)在上海盛大举行。 在100000平方米的上海世博展览馆内,超300家参展商齐聚一堂,共赴...
IOWA- Iowa uses theITPtesting (Iowa Testing Program). Iowa is also part of the Smarter Balanced Consortium, ILLINOISISATsample testsfor Science, Math, Reading and Social Studies. Note: Ilinois is now using PARCC Testing. See our PARCC Page for practice tests. ...
by John Iwuozor April 19, 2023 Productivity, Testing 0 Comments Testing APIs is no walk in the park, but it can be greatly simplified with the use of API testing tools—essential for ensuring the quality of your APIs. Developers use a combination of APIs to make most of the services ...
The situation doesn’t have to be hopeless. Download our eBook to discover where you sit amongst your competitors and learn how to deliver your technology projects on time even if you’re struggling with limited resource. Where does contact center testing add value and how?
ECMD:An Event-Centric Multisensory Driving Dataset for SLAM 00:45 基于事件相机的多传感器汽车平台 00:33 工业相机、事件相机、红外相机联合标定 01:40 LVI-SAM_testing-2023-07-18_17.17.58 00:35 LVI-SAM_testing-2023-07-18_17.15.05 01:05 LVI-SAM_testing-2023-07-18_17.36.51 00:57 LVI-SAM_...