However, when I create the "mock" stored procedure (a Java class) as described above and run the test against HSQL, I get the following exception: org.springframework.dao.TransientDataAccessResourceException: CallableStatementCallback; SQL [{call GET_VERSION(?)}]; S1000 General error java.lan...
Now, before I can call the stored procedure under test I must set my database to a known state. This is a fundamental principle of testing SQL stored procedures (and databases in general). Many stored procedures change the state of their associated database by inserting, deleting, or updatin...
Now, before I can call the stored procedure under test I must set my database to a known state. This is a fundamental principle of testing SQL stored procedures (and databases in general). Many stored procedures change the state of their associated database by inserting, deleting, or ...
The problem lies in the way you're usingDB::select. Your SQL looks like this.
Phil Factor demonstrates a cunning way to test stored procedures or functions, such as after refactoring, by storing the 'before' and 'after' results in views and then using SQL Data Compare to spot any discrepancies.
This article talks about the three standard SQL unit tests which can be written against any stored procedure ultimately becoming SQL unit testing object to meet internal or external business specification. SQL unit testing, Testing Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing...
This article talks about the three standard SQL unit tests which can be written against any stored procedure ultimately becoming SQL unit testing object to meet internal or external business specification. Why you should cleverly name Database Objects for SQL Unit Testing ...
There are two ways to ensure successful execution of your test, first using the T-SQL assertion in your test case itself or second using one or more of the available test conditions as shown below: For example in my case, I am calling uspGetEmployeeManagers stored procedure and passing empl...
I am in a healthcare project, where majority of the business written in stored procedures. How can i test the stored procedures to check the data is flowing per business or not? Is it through any testing tool i should use to achieve this? If Yes, then please tell me the tools name....
For each test, you enter the information called for in the preceding steps, to create a test case. A unit test is a group of test cases (one or more) on a specific PL/SQL object. Each test case is an implementation. Each unit test has at least one implementation (named Default by ...