TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "blah" Here are the accessible roles: button: Name "Hello World": --- Hello World 这里要注意的是,我们并没有为 设置Role 而加上 role=button。因为这是隐式的 Role,下一节会详细说明。 建议:阅读...
TestingLibraryElementError:Unable to find an accessible elementwiththe role"blah"Here are the accessible roles:button:Name"Hello World":---HelloWorld 这里要注意的是,我们并没有为设置 Role 而加上role=button。因为这是隐式的 Role,下一节会详细说明。 建议:阅读并根据 “Which Query Should I Use" G...
TestingLibraryElementError:Unable to find an accessible elementwiththe role"blah"Here are the accessible roles:button:Name"Hello World":---HelloWorld 这里要注意的是,我们并没有为设置 Role 而加上role=button。因为这是隐式的 Role,下一节会详细说明。 建议:阅读并根据 “Which Query Should I Use" G...
render(<Example />) const errorMessageNode = screen.getByRole('alert') 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. screen 是在 DOM Testing Library v6.11.0 引入的 (就就是说,你可以在 @testing-library/react@>=9 这些版本中使用它)。直接在 render 引入的时候一并引入就可以了: 复制 import {render, screen}...
TestingLibraryElementError: Unable to find an accessible element with the role "blah"Here are the accessible roles:button:Name "Hello World":---HelloWorld 这里要注意的是,我们并没有为 设置 Role 而加上role=button。因为这是隐式的 Role,下一节会详细说明。 建议:阅读并根据 “Which Query Should...
library/jest-dom'// the component to testimportFetchfrom'./fetch'test('loads and displays greeting',async()=>{// Render a React element into the DOMrender(<Fetch url="/greeting"/>)awaituserEvent.click(screen.getByText('Load Greeting'))// wait before throwing an error if it cannot find...
UsingbyTextqueries it's not the only nor the best way to query for elements. ReadWhich query should I use?to discover alternatives. In the example above,getByRole('button', {name: 'increment'})is possibly the best option to get the button element. ...
its parent element is also visible (and so on up to the top of the DOM tree) it does not have the hidden attribute if it has the open attributeExamplesZero Opacity Example Visibility Hidden Example Display None Example Hidden Parent Example Visible Example...
You want to usejestto write tests that assert various things about the state of a DOM. As part of that goal, you want to avoid all the repetitive patterns that arise in doing so. Checking for an element's attributes, its text content, its css classes, you name it. ...
Before the Cypress era we had to choose the components separately for the automation process. First we need a framework with an assertion library and after that we have to install Selenium with a wrapper for that. And if needed, we also have to add/install additional libraries/tools that wou...