Discusses a recommendation by the United States Preventive Services Task Force not to use treadmill tests, resting electrocardiograms or electron beam computerized tomography to screen for heart disease in low-risk adults who do not have any symptoms of the disease. Alternative advice that the United...
Should I Have My C-Reactive Protein Level Tested? If you’re at moderate risk for heart disease, it may help your doctor figure out if you need more intensive treatment. Those at high risk should be treated aggressively, anyway. So CRP testing isn’t recommended for them. The more of th...
This prospective, longitudinal pilot study sought to exam- ine the HR-QoL of individuals undergoing genetic testing for inherited heart diseases. Specifically, the aim of this study was to identify whether there were changes in HR-QoL fol- lowing genetic testing for an inherited heart disease in...
For More Information National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/health-topics/ischemic-heart-disease To find this and other JAMA Patient Pages, go to the For Patients collection atjamanetworkpatientpages.com. The JAMA Patient Page is a public service ofJAMA. The infor...
aryheThe article discusses testing for coronary heart disease which refers to a heart disease due to the buildup of plaque in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. Topics discussed include the common symptoms of coronary heart disease, test on people with a high risk of ...
Blood-Based Testing for Heart Disease in Dogs This is the first installment in our new Leading Edge column produced in partnership with Morris Animal Foundation . We have long supported the Foundation's work and are pleased to be able to offer this type of cutting-edge research prev... MA ...
Genome-wide Scans to Check for Disease Risk Say that a young man who knows that his eating and exercise habits are not ideal is curious to find out whether he might be susceptible to heart disease or diabetes. He therefore seeks a genome-wide assessment survey to obtain information about his...
For example, the test analyzes the sequences of genes linked to long-QT syndrome, a rare inherited arrhythmia that lengthens the time between heartbeats, potentially causing heart palpitations or cardiac arrest. These genes can help doctors identify particular subtypes of long QT. Different forms of...
Genetic testing for risk of coronary heart disease: Fact or fiction?Humphries, S