There are two main types of reflexes that are tested on a neurological examination: stretch (or deep tendon reflexes) and superficial reflexes. A deep tendon reflex (DTR) results from the stimulation of a stretch-sensitive afferent from a neuromuscular spindle, which, via a single synapse, stimu...
Deep tendon reflexes are assessed to evaluate the integrity and interaction of upper and lower motor neurons. They include the patellar reflex (L3–L4), the Achilles tendon reflex (L5, S1, S2) and the plantar toe reflex (Babinski's sign). In patients with upper motor neuron lesions, the ...
First, the Michigan Neuropathy Screening Instrument clinical examination (MNSIc) was performed, which included visual inspection for foot deformities or ulcerations, ankle deep tendon reflexes, tuning fork vibration perception (128-Hz) and monofilament sensory testing (10-gram) of the dorsal halluces...
Individual to be tested exhibits symptoms of SMA (eg, symmetrical proximal muscle weakness, absent or markedly decreased deep tendon reflexes); or Carrier screening when the individual to be tested is asymptomatic and any of the following criteria are met: Individual has a family history of SMA ...