A method and apparatus (50) for extracting and analyzing waveforms originated by energy reflected from plug/coils in ignition systems is used in diagnosis. Waveforms are sampled and stored for analysis. A catalog of waveforms corresponding to known anomalies (as well as those of normal ignition ...
An ignition coil durability testing apparatus and method utilizing an electronic spark timing circuit, a plurality of SCRs, a plurality of LEDs, and a voltage detection circuit. The electronic spark timing circuit activates an ignition switching transistor which applies a time varying voltage to a ...
Ignitioncoilbasics: Anignitioncoilinaninductivesystemsworksby‘mutualinductance’.Itconsistsoftwocoilsthatarewound aroundthesameironcore(helpstoconcentratethelinesofmagneticforce).Thetwocoilsareknownasthe primaryandsecondarywindings. Secondarywindingshavethousandsofturnsofveryfinewirethatneedstocarryhighvoltage(around...
Ultimate Coil On Plug Ignition testing probe tool for professional mechanics. The original Cop probe used with most scopes + lab scopes for automotive diagnostics
A testing apparatus for testing a waste-power ignition coil is provided and includes an igniter simulator having a first switching device electrically connected to an output of the primary side of a waste-power ignition coil under test and a triggering means for changing a state of the first ...
Apparatus for use in testing an internal combustion engine ignition system An apparatus for testing an i.c.e. ignition system of the kind including an ignition coil (10) and a semiconductor switch means (12a) controlling current interruption in the coil primary, includes a voltage comparator (18...
This invention relates in general to automotive testing equipment and more particularly has reference to apparatus for use in determining the cam angle and condition of the breaker or contact points of an ignition system of an internal combustion engine. In the tuning of internal combustion...收藏...
Ignition Coil tester MST-101 generator tester MST101 $20.00 Min. order: 1 piece Easy Return OBDEMOTO 6005 Hand Held Mini size Sensor Solenoid Valve Simulator for automotive for Trucks or Buses $60.00 Min. order: 1 unit Easy Return CNC602A Automotive fuel injector tester cleaner 220V/110V with...
15. Ignition coil driver 16. Ignition module drive 17. Parking sensor (ultrasound) probe drive 18. Automatic Shift Valve Drive 19. Shift quality valve drive 20. hydraulic valve drive 21. Water temperature, intake air temperature, outdoor temperature, evaporation temperature sensor signal simulation ...
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