Teste do desenho do relógio: Desempenho entre idosos de baixa-escolaridade 来自 ResearchGate 喜欢 0 阅读量: 14 作者:RA Lourenço,STR Filho,Irene de Freitas Henriques Moreira,EMDP Paradela,ASD Miranda 摘要: OBJECTIVE: To compare the accuracy of four scales, and to determine the inter-rater ...
TEST validityBIOMARKERSPERFORMANCE in childrenSCHOOL yearMathematics learning difficulties (MLD) are associated with lower income, employability and psychosocial adaptation, however, the identification of children with MLD is hampered by the absence of reliable cognitive and biological markers...
A INFLUêNCIA DA ESCOLARIDADE NO DESEMPENHO DE ADULTOS NO TESTE DO DESENHO DO RELóGIOideomotor praxiseducational levelcognitionclock drawingObjective: To determine the influence of education on the performance of healthy adults on the CDT. Methods: A total of 121 drawings by healthy adults without ...