其次,检查是否有防火墙或安全组策略阻止了访问。 问题:命令执行超时。 解决方案:增加 -TimeoutSeconds 参数的值以延长超时时间。同时,检查网络连接质量,确认是否存在网络延迟或中断问题。 Test-NetConnection 是PowerShell 中一个非常实用的命令,通过它可以快速定位和解决许多网络相关问题。
Get-Help -Name Test-Connection NAME Test-Connection SYNTAX Test-Connection [-TargetName] <string[]> [-Ping] [-IPv4] [-IPv6] [-ResolveDestination] [-Source <string>] [-MaxHops <int>] [-Count <int>] [-Delay <int>] [-BufferSize <int>] [-DontFragment] [-TimeoutSeconds <int>] [...
int receiveBufferSize buffer size (sink) for each socket I / O operation, int overtime timeout period in seconds (check every 10 seconds), When the value is 0, do not set the timeout, uint headerFlag Header tag range 0 ~ 1023 (0x3FF), when the header identifier is equal to 0, ...