We do not give answers to this test because it is designed totest your level. You can take the test again in a few months to see if your level has improved. For each question, choose the answer that isclosest in meaning to the original sentence. Example: The following question is anex...
4. Prepare your resume.You can include your highest level of education, technical or other relevant certificates and your relevant work history on a resume. Your work experience section should include the company or organization’s name, the dates you worked there and your respon***lities and ...
网址:https://test-english.com/ 测试内容:level 测试,60道单选题,可以测出考生的等级水平,最多到B2(亲测这个B2挺难的,差不多等同某些网站的C1了),还有单项的listening, reading, language use的题目测试。 测试结果:根据考生所得分数,给出英语等级水平预估,对应A1, A2,B1,B1+,B2 五个级别。 是否免费:免费...
Free English lessons at Test-English.com: grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading. Learn English online for free with tests and exam prep.
This short Spanish test gives you a score of A, B or C on the CEFR scale for receptive Spanish skills (listening and reading).
Readable, the most extensive readability checker. Readability tests: Flesch reading ease, Flesch-Kincaid grade level, Gunning Fox Index, SMOG Index & more
1Oral Reading Teachers conduct reading diagnostics to determine children's reading level. One diagnostic that you can do with your third-grader is an oral reading fluency test. For this assessment, you and your child each have a copy of a grade-level text; the website Super Teacher Worksheets...
aYou can test yourself by reading something new which is suitable for your level 您能通过读为您的水平是适当的新的事测试自己[translate]
Try our free Speed Reading Test. Discover your reading speed and comprehension level. Improve your reading skills and efficiency using our interactive test!
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