Smallpdf is actually the most popular online PDF software with over 2.4 billion users since 2013. Have you ever needed to do more with PDF files than just viewing them? You may need tocompress a fileso that it fits in your email orconvert a scanned PDF into an editable Word document. Y...
CloseDocumentGroup CloseLog CloseSolution 雲端 CloudBlobs CloudBusinessApplication CloudConfigurationFile CloudConsole CloudDatabase CloudDownload CloudError CloudFile CloudGroup CloudOK CloudPackage CloudRefresh CloudRun 雲端伺服器 CloudService CloudServiceBus CloudStaging CloudStagingOK CloudStagingRefresh CloudSta...
Basic Instincts: Server-Side Generation of Word 2007 Docs Test Run: Using Excel For Test Data Data Points: Revisiting System.Transactions CLR Inside Out: Investigating Memory Issues Cutting Edge: A Tour of Windows Workflow Activities Bugslayer: Minidumps for Specific Exceptions Security Briefs: Limited...
An example of a file parser is Microsoft Word. What would fuzz testing the Word file parser entail? Imagine creating a million Word documents of random length containing random data. Suppose that these documents aren't created by Word itself, but rather by literally piping a random source of ...
Advanced Basics: Set Word Document Properties Programmatically CLR Inside Out: Ensuring .NET Framework 2.0 Compatibility Data Points: Using XQuery, New Large DataTypes, and More Cutting Edge: Windows Workflow Foundation Test Run: Determining .NET Assembly and Method References ...
Document Upload Upload a document to one of the Document Centers. One unique folder and file were created in each Document Center each hour, 24 hours a day. 1% Document Download (Open) Download or open a document 30% Browse Access of a random Document Center home page, Document Library Lis...
Add a html content to word document in C# (row.Cells[1].Range.Text) Add a trailing back slash if one doesn't exist. Add a user to local admin group from c# Add and listen to event from static class add characters to String add column value to specific row in datatable Add comments...
Cloudmersive Document and Data Conversion HTML/URL to PDF/PNG, Office documents to PDF, image conversion apiKey Yes Yes Code::Stats Automatic time tracking for programmers apiKey Yes No CraftMyPDF Generate PDF documents from templates with a drop-and-drop editor and a simple API apiKey Yes No...
in the case of a word processing program, the inputs might be either user interactions or XML documents. To validate the observed behavior of the program under test, test cases must include these inputs and a test oracle that defines an expected output value or behavior that corresponds to ...