下载运行UPnPTest.exe,点击<Test>开始测试,如下图有8项测试,全部通过才说明UPnP完美实现。1、操作系统是否支持UPnP功能:Windows XP,Vista,Windows 7均支持UPnP功能,Windows 2003不支持UPnP功能2、SSDP服务是否已经启动:SSDP在Windows服务里名字是“SSDP Discovery Service”,如此项FAILED,请使用Windows控制面包→管理工具...
Universal Plug-and-Play Tester (UPnPTest) is an experimental tool that lists all the available devices compatible with the Universal Plug-and-Play protocol including routers (IGDs).When the program starts it first checks the configuration of the required UPnP services and the Windows Firewall and...
/usr/bin/g++ -std=c++11 -pedantic-errors -Wall \ -o"$TESTNAME".a \ -I"$BUILD_DIR"/googletest-src/googletest/include \ -I"$BUILD_DIR"/googletest-src/googlemock/include \ -I"$BUILD_DIR"\ -I"$BUILD_DIR"/upnp/src \ -I"$BUILD_DIR"/upnp/inc \ ...
Official KCC Golang Client based on the go-ethereum. - kcc/p2p/nat/natupnp_test.go at 7caa2d8163ae3132c1c2d6978c76610caee2d949 · kcc-community/kcc
1,100+ portable packages, 1.1 billion downloads Please As with most open source projects, PortableApps.com makes available test versions of our software for people to test before we post a 'final' or 'stable' version of an application. ...
Support of local network adapters and remote SNMP and UPnP devices. Configurable actions when the network activity exceeds a certain level. Speed Meter for testing Internet connection speed. Connection Monitor for regular connection status checks. ...
Here's a new MMW build with another 10 fixes including several fixes related to bidirectional synchronization with MediaMonkey for Android, UPnP/DLNA, and a couple of other misc. fixes. Also, we've included a standard (non-debug) build, so you should see a performance improvement using that...
This build fixes several sleep/hibernation issues (some of which affected UPnP and Wi-Fi sync for some users), along a few misc other issues. If all goes well, we hope to release MMW 4.1.1 in about a week. Please let us know what you think. What's new? See a detailed list of...
please enter the device's upnp uuid:N/A please enter the device's wsd uuid:wsd please enter the device's wps uuid:[uuid:***] (Right click printer icon that Printer drvier is be installed. uuid can be founded.) please enter t...
路由器开了upnp和nat pmp功能,qb的端口也转发了。现在是只有部分站有点小问。谁有多拨过的能不能帮忙看一下,感觉这情况有点奇怪 分享292 安庆工业学校吧 贴吧用户_aya5WKP 邵老师日语班考级日语、留学日语、高考日语课程零基础高考日语课程5月28日开学,标准日本语初级上册课程6月12日开学,暑假班7月11日开学,...