The Bipolar Test is a powerful tool to evaluate bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression) symptoms and monitor treatment response. The test question…
The Bipolar Test is a powerful tool to evaluate bipolar disorder (formerly known as manic depression) symptoms and monitor treatment response. The test question…
Again, online bipolar disorder tests are unable provide an official diagnosis of any mental health condition. If you suspect you may have BD or another condition, it’s typically best to meet with a healthcare professional. Meeting with a primary care provider is a common next step, since the...
Are you a physical fitness buff? Knowing the facts behind physical exercise is what separates the fitness buff from the weekend gym-goer. Take The Fitness IQ Test and see how you weigh in!
Bipolar Test contains four tools: - Start Test: take the MDQ questionnaire to screen for bipolar disorder - Result: understand your test results and get resources tailored to your result - Information: learn about bipolar spectrum disorder and discover additional resources that can help you on your...
Everyone has occasional highs and lows in their moods. But people with bipolar disorder have extreme mood changes. They can go from feeling very sad, despairing, helpless, worthless, and hopeless (depression) to feeling as if they are on top of the world, hyperactive, creative, irritable or ...
Take Talkspace's free, clinically-vetted borderline personality disorder test to see if you may have the signs and symptoms of BPD.
The first post-acquisition test is a measure of acquisition and the ability to maintain the avoidance behavior. In this test, a significant difference between saline and VP males was not evident (see Fig. 1). Because the animals did not receive shock after the first post-acquisiti...
the Galapagos are ___; newly formed ___ island chain and not really well developed; ___ wanted to see active volcanos but he didn't see any; the landscape seemed ___; only found wretched looking thin scrub thickets of only about 10 species -harsh -volcanic ...
at risk for bipolar when, in fact, I have bipolar 2. There are no questions relating to depression or hypomania. This test is potentially dangerous to those who are looking into whether or not to see a doctor. If you don’t have persistent mania, this test is not going to help you....