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• rule out31and biological factors • learn through32of other chimps’ behaviour Discoveries • The book The Third Chimpanzee by James Diamond discusses some physical features of chimpanzees. • The discovery reported by Jane Goodall suggests that chimpanzees know how to use33 ...
More studies are needed to check how good it really is at predicting organ age and health before that though. Some of Dr Wyss-Coray's earlier work suggests the biological ageing process is not steady but comes in bursts, with some rapid accelerations in people's mid-30s, early-60s and la...
After 25 years of exposure to the freezing temperatures of deep space, the probe was beginning to show its age. Sensors and circuits were on the brink of failing and NASA experts realised that they had to do something or lose contact with their probe forever. The solution was to get a ...
Her research focuses on the biological motives of facial structure and skin color and how they play a major role in our personality and behavioral traits. One way Lefevre addresses these traits is through our facial structure, known as the facial width-to-height ratio. Carmen’s research has ...
Peter Stenvinkel, Professor at Karolinska Institutet, said: “I found the new tool to estimate effects of interventions on biological age of much interest. The tool could be used to study treatment strategies in patients with end-stage kidney disease – a group subjected to premature aging....
In some cases, Seliant ApS might process special categories of personal data, such as age, home country, biological sex, English proficiency level, native language, level of education, university discipline (if applicable), university major (if applicable), employment status, ethnicity, and occupati...
Of all the biological processes in the animal kingdom, sleep is perhaps the most important. A human can survive for almost two weeks without eating, but did you know that one week without sleep can be fatal? It’s even worse for animals, especially for those who must avoid predators. ...