Zhu Baohua is a police officer at a border(边防)police station in Xinjiang. He is on 24-hour call to check the passing people and cars. The life is very 1 in his workplace. The temperature is about -20^{\circ}C in winter and there is no running water. Zhu Baohua needs to break ...
And to make it even better, you’ll get acomplete practice plan for the notoriously difficultpolice written exam. This exam, together with the Oral Board interview, weeds out a huge number of applicants every year. So, if you’d like to learn more about the process or want to improve yo...
Here you will find exactly what you need to pass the police exam on your very first try with our exclusive suite of tools trusted by law enforcement around the country.
Here is a real life story from one of our students who beat tremendous competition to become a law enforcement officer. He was one of over 650 applicants for only five available spots! "While working as a tour guide I met a Police Sgt. who encouraged me to apply as a Police officer. ...
Police Test Guide is constantly being updated and improved. Once applicants have taken the test and become police officers, we ask for their feedback. As a result, you will always receive the most up-to-date content available. Our mission is to get you hired. We respect and honor your ...
If you'd like to get the Police Test score you deserve, to quit worrying about whether your score on the Police Test is good enough, and to beat the test taking game so you can become a police officer, then this might be the most important message you read this year. Our comprehensi...
Take this free police practice test to see the types of questions on the real officer entrance exam. All answers are fully explained and the test is applicable to all police departments. Many police departments and law enforcement agencies use the National Police Officer Selection Test (POST), ...
This includes climbing over walls and pulling bodies and was designed to reflect situations which“police officers do and can become involved in". Mr Winsor expected that many officers would welcome the proposals,saying they would see it“as a necessary protection for themselves and the public"....
He was determined to become a police officer after college and behaved like a respectable police officer at school. His high school principal, Eric Markinson, said Washington was always a gentleman. “He was incredibly gracious (和善的) and incredibly helpful,” he said. His accident has ...
Psychological questions in this test measure diverse job-related behaviors and personality traits to pick the most suitable applicants to become police officers. Others turn to me to lead them when making choices Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree View Explanation This ...