星球工匠 The Planet Crafter修改器 辅助科技移速跳跃飞行物品 立即购买 声明:此商品数据来源由淘宝官方接口提供,本网站不参与交易,如有疑问请联系卖家客服,如需删除此页面请联系本站>> 店铺信息 鸟大科技插件 宝贝描述 4.7低 卖家服务 4.7低 物流服务 4.7低 商品详情...
As others have said, these "changes" do not address the root issues. It's all nice and good to make more nodes on Onderon, but it doesn't mean anything when every crafter will be fighting for them, and when the recipes still require way too many mats, including ones from Conquest. ...
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As a crafter, do you feel like you have a place in Spoils of War? I honestly don't know. I craft a ton, but I very rarely make items purely for the stats. I prefer to craft cosmetics. And I see little-to-no cosmetics added with the new level of crafting. No new crystals or ...
The Planet Crafter ¥ 92.00 Your browser does not support WEBM or MP4 videos. 泰拉科技世界 ¥ 88.00 Your browser does not support WEBM or MP4 videos. 帝國神話 ¥ 99.00 Your browser does not support WEBM or MP4 videos. 夜鶯傳說 ¥ 108.00 Your browser does not support WEB...
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Maybe not sure. While a crafter some of the items will be helpful but I normally don't use those as I have a ton of materials, unless they have add those new materials to the jawa vendors. In general, which rewards are the most/least valuable to you?