If a medical certificate confirming illness on the date of the test is provided within five working days of the test date, together with the submitted cancellation request on the Test Taker Portal, the fee is refundable, deducting an 25% administration fee. If you need to reschedule the date...
IDP is owned by 38 Australian universities and the job website SEEK. As well as testing services, it provides international student placement services. See www.australia.idp.com. The IELTS website (https://admissiontestportal.com/en/pages/2-about-ielts/7-what-is-ielts/) notes that the ‘...
I had joined Manya- The Princeton Review for my GRE and IELTS preparation. I had a great learning experience here. The environment is conducive to learning. The online portal for practice tests and drills proved to be a great help in my preparation journey. The faculty is adept and supportiv...
IELTS, which is jointly owned by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English, offers two types of tests: IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training. The latter is geared more toward test-takers looking to work in or immigrate to an English-speaking country, while ...
There are two versions of IELTS available for test takers IELTS Academic, and IELTS General Training. The difference between the two relates to the purpose of the test taker. IELTS Academic is used for university admissions or professional registration in an English-speaking country, while IELTS Ge...
IDP特別邀請到體驗雅思的考生前來分享為什麼選擇報考雅思、平常如何準備雅思考試、IDP考場滿意度及相關防疫措施等心得。 為何選擇雅思考試 ? 由於在準備英國研究所的關係開始準備考雅思。對我而言雅思的考題更加多元化、且貼近日常生活,公信力高且場次相當多。讓在平時需要上班的我可以挑選到適合的場次,因此雅思成為我首...
為何選擇雅思IDP電腦考試? 由於準備去英國讀研究所,因此選擇準備雅思,這是我第二次進行雅思機考,也是在IDP國父紀念館的考場,這裡的設備及環境相當優良,考期選擇也非常多,因此如果有第三次仍希望在IDP舉辦之考場進行。我覺得機考很好上手,即使沒有經驗或模擬考,操作非常容易。考試項目的進行順序,分為兩種,口說在來聽...
為何選擇IDP雅思? 時間上的選擇多元且彈性,對平日需要上班的我來說相對方便許多。桃園IDP考場的位子就在火車站附近,交通來說也很方便。 為何選擇紙筆考試? 平常自己在練習時都是採用紙筆測驗,且我的英打很常會打錯字,修改時間會耗費許多,因此紙筆會較適合我。 IELTS考試準備經驗? 因為自己大學是讀應英系,過去...
為何選擇雅思IDP電腦考試? 身邊的朋友也曾前往英國留學過,在報名雅思前也詢問過各方的意見,因為對於打字速度還算是有信心,加上我在寫文章的時候時常修修改改,考量到編輯的方便性加上能夠自動統計字數,而且分數結算的速度比紙筆考試快了三倍以上,最終毫無懸念選定了機考,而以結果來說,我也是十分滿意機考的體驗,甚至...