Test results on hybrid photodiodes[J] . N Kanaya,Y Fujii,K Hara,T Ishizaki,F Kajino,K Kawagoe,A Nakagawa,M Nozaki,T Ota,T Suzuki,H Takeda,T Takeshita,T Toeda,Y Yamada,C Yokoyama.Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A . 1999 (3)...
My first report on theSuzuki Swacehighlighted the fact that the general public had no idea what it was and now, at the end of our time together, I can tell you that the same still holds true. Indeed in my time with it, I don’t think I ever saw another one. But don't go think...
新一代VITARA將搭載全新HYBRID輕油電科技,結合ISG整合式啟動發電機與鋰離子電池的SHVS智能混合動力系統,輔以全新1.4 L BOOSTERJET缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎,加上獨門科技ALLGRIP適時智慧型四輪傳動系統,勢將帶給台灣消費者無與倫比的駕馭體驗,再次撼動台灣車壇!此外,深受車迷讚賞的1.4L BOOSTERJET缸內直噴渦輪增壓引擎,受益...
across the first and second terminals of the battery and draw a relatively large current therethrough; and a microprocessor configured to test the storage battery as a function of a dynamic parameter measured through the first and second Kelvin connections in response to applied time varying signal...