“Lucas, thanks to your program I passed the FAA IFR written exam with a 92. I only passed by written private pilot exam about 3 months ago. What is even more amazing is that I have not touched an Airplane since the year 2000 and I don’t even have my private pilot certificate yet....
40. Supplement 补充文书。各个大学设置的文书题目或者材料。 41. Bank Statement 银行存款证明。有银行开具的资金证明,金额为覆盖一年的学费总额。 42. COF 大学资金表格。大学要求学生填写的和银行存款证明相关的表格,内容包括银行、开户人、金额等。 43. ISFAA/ CSS 国际学生助学金申请表格。 44. Income Statemen...
Many questions reference Figures that you’ll need to look up in the FAA’s testing supplement to properly answer the question.Here’s a link to download / open the testing supplement (168MB, PDF). 1. Which thunderstorm lifecycle stage is mostly characterized by downdrafts? A) Cumulus B) ...
The figures used in our courses are the actual FAA figures from the FAA Knowledge Testing Supplement, which may be downloaded from our website via the Library button int he app. After downloading the supplement, print the aeronautical chart figures for use with a physical plotter. These figures...
Full-color figures identical to the figures on the FAA test are also included. The test guide is intended to supplement your instructor-led flight and ground training. Features Contains sample FAA Private Pilot test questions, with correct answers, explanations, and study references Q...
The Computer Testing Supplement for Inspection Authorization is available at https://www.faa.gov/training_testing/testing/supplements/media/FAA-CT-8080-8D.pdf. Features: • Simple to use interface. • Scores, the date and time taken for quizzes and tests are saved to keep track of your ...
Each book has a FAA CT-8080, so the applicants will become familiar with the supplement materials they will see when they take the official knowledge test. Test prep books also include five online practice tests. Prepware combines all the information found in the Test Prep book with computer-...
It is highly recommended that you supplement your study using our FE test prep app with reading FAA handbooks which you can download for free from the FAA website. Look at the references of questions in our test prep to see what handbooks the information comes from.A combination of our app...
In other words, we make sure that you can study from official FAA guidance for the CTO test. We supplement this prep with additional related material from other FAA tests. For example, in order to better cover the breadth of weather questions that you may need to know as a CTO applicant...
Practice Tests, Cram Sheet & FAA Exam Unlimited Full-Length Practice Tests* Cram Sheet // Am I Ready to Take the Test? Getting Your FAA Tracking Number (FTN) and Booking Your Exam Test Day Checklist Using IACRA to Apply for Your Remote Pilot Certificate ...