We consider a structural model often used as the basis for analysis of response slopes in physiological studies, with particular emphasis on the problem of comparing the slopes for two samples. We simplify some of the calculations leading to a likelihood ratio test statistic for the hypothesis o...
The F-test statistic for joint significance of the slope coefficients of a regression is routinely reported in regression outputs, along with other key statistics such as R² and t-ratio values. The…
The Test Statistic for One Population Mean Calculator is a calculator that is used when the variable is numerical and only one population or group is being studied. Let's say that an economist, Economist William German, believes that students who work and go to college only spend, on ...
The graph and table below can be used as a guide for which statistical test or descriptive statistic to use in your research. In order to use it, you must be able to identify all the variables in the data set and tell what kind of variables they are....
distribution free statistic,nonparametric statistic- a statistic computed without knowledge of the form or the parameters of the distribution from which observations are drawn Kendall partial rank correlation- a nonparametric measure of partial correlation ...
Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012 likelihood ratio The percentage of ill people with a given test result divided by the percentage of well people with the same result. Ratios near unity should not influence decisions. This useful guide to refining clinical ...
,c where ∑jπj0=1∑jπj0=1, it can be shown that Pearson χ2χ2 test statistic is identical to the famous score test statistic, whose intuition should be very clear to statistics-major students (i.e., testing the slope of log-likelihood function). To view it in another way, ...
These are derived from a general principle for combining dependent test statistics that has been discussed elsewhere by the authors. It is shown that these statistics are relatively optimal in the sense of Bahadur efficiency and consequently, are more efficient than any weighted Kolmogorov statistic ...
and definedaj=±1according as a vector corresponding to thej-th slope is above or below the horizontal line through the median. Blumen’s bivariate test statistic is then defined asv2=2(v12+v22)/n, wherev1=∑j=0najcos(πj/n),v2=∑j=1najsin(πj/n). The test statistic has an...
A random variable that is computed with the help of the given sample data and then used in hypothesis testing is called a test statistic. The test statistic is also used in the determination of the p-value. It is the standardized value that is computed...