假设检验的步骤大概是这样的: 你得知道自己想要猜想的是什么, 也就是 null hypothesis,H0. 然后你得知道根据什么做出判断,也就是test-statistic,我们这里使用的是$DOZ$。 你得知道test-statistic的一些分布信息,尤其是在H0正确的情况下,他的分布是如何的。 你得清楚自己能承担的错误风险,也就是significance-level...
Z-test statistic equation generated in LaTeX. | Image: Egor Howell If the test statistic is greater (or lower depending on the test we are conducting) than the critical value, then the alternate hypothesis is true because the sample’s mean isstatistically significantenough from the population m...
testing hypotheses, choosing a test statisticlife, entailing us to make decisionshypothesis testing, choices reduce to possibilitiesstudent's t‐test, providing significance levelstesting for equality of variances of two populationsdoi:10.1002/9781118360125.ch6...
How do we know how to obtain a test statistic that can be used to test a given null hypothesis? Unfortunaltely, there is no general rule. As a matter of fact, it often happens that there are several different test statistics we can use to test a given null hypothesis. For example, ...
检验统计量(test statistic):用于假设检验计算的统计量。 例如:Z值、t值、F值、卡方值。 显著性水平(level of significance):当零假设为真时,错误拒绝零假设的临界概率,即犯第一类错误的最大概率,用α表示。 例如:在5%的显著性水平下,样本数据拒绝原假设。
In a hypothesis test, if the test statistic is in the rejection region, what does it mean? A. The null hypothesis is accepted. B. The alternative hypothesis is accepted. C. The test is inconclusive. D. A new sample needs to be taken. ...
HypothesisTesting: theteststatisticandtheP-value. TheP-valueofthetest,assumingH 0 istrue,istheprobability thattheteststatisticwouldtakeavalueasextremeormore extremethanthatactuallyobserved. Text: “AfterassessingtheconsequencesofTypeIandTypeII errors,identifythelargestαthatistolerableforthe problem.Thenemploy...
To interpret individual values of a test statistic, we need to place them in a larger context. Towards this end, let me introduce you to sampling distributions for test statistics! Sampling Distributions for Test Statistics Performing a hypothesis test on a sample produces a single test statistic...
The test statistic is a number, calculated from a statistical test, used to find if your data could have occurred under the null hypothesis.
How to find the test statistic will depend on which hypothesis test can be applied to a given research problem. A preliminary step is always specifying the null and alternative hypotheses, which in many cases involve competing statements about a parameter of the population in question, such as ...