Results for H0: no cointegration With 16 series and 4 covariates ---+ Statistic | Value | Z-value | P-value | ---+---+---+---| Gt | -4.364 | -6.613 | 0.000 | Ga | -12.742 | 2.139 | 0.984 | Pt | -15.048 | -4.542 | 0.000 | Pa | -8.571 | 2.471 | 0.993 | ---...
One is the widely taught Pearson chi-square test, which uses the well-known 2statistic. The chi-square test is appropriate for large sample inference, and it is equivalent to the Z-test that uses the difference between the two sample proportions for the 2 2 case. Another method is Fishers...
Note further that, as with the χ2 statistic, t values have their own statistical variations from one experiment to the next. Thus t values that are within a few percent of a critical value should be interpreted with caution. For most practical situations, P values can be read with sufficie...
10. Which of the following is NOT correct with regard to the p-value attached to a test statistic? (a) * p-values can only be used for two-sided tests (b) It is the marginal significance level where we would be indifferent between rejecting and not rejecting the null hypothesis ...
[h,pValue] = waldtest(___) returns the p-value of the hypothesis test, using any of the input arguments in the previous syntaxes. example [h,pValue,stat,cValue] = waldtest(___) returns the test statistic and critical value of the hypothesis test. exampleExamples...
Computation of the p-Value for the Exact ConditionalCochran-Armitage Trend Test [R package CATTexact version 0.1.0] square statistic for heterogeneity and the Cochran-Armitage trend test statistic, has been widely applied to test the linearity assumption for dose-response ... D Edelmann 被引量:...
Define the null (H0) and an alternate (Ha) hypothesis. Conduct the test. Using data from the test: Calculate the test statistic and the critical value (t-Test, F-test, z-Test, ANOVA, etc.). Calculate a p value and compare it to a significance level (a) or confidence level (1-...
The p-value is the probability of obtaining the observed test statistic as extreme as the one obtained, given the null hypothesis is true. In terms of rejection of the null hypothesis, it is the smallest level of significance, at which the...
All three methods (the p-value, the R2 value, and the F statistic) must lead to the same answer. Result of the F Test, Decided Using the p-Value If the p-value is larger than 0.05, then the model is not significant (you accept the null hypothesis that the X variables do not ...
Since the function relationship between fuzzy test statistic and fuzzy data under known population variance is different from that under unknown population variance, we use two methods to construct the membership function under known and unknown population variance environment respectively. An alternative p...