A big reason why some buyers choose asmall SUVover a similar-pricedhatchbackorestateis because they want a higher driving position. TheVolkswagen T-Crosscertainly offers that; you feel a good deal farther away from the road than you do in theSkoda Kamiq, and it’s no illusion. Mind you, ...
New and used, both cars are pretty evenly priced; whether you go for theSkoda KamiqorVolkswagen T-Cross, expect to pay around £15,000 for a three-year-old example. On the other hand, the Kamiq will cost you less in fuel. It averaged 44.3mpg during our testing, while the T-Cross ...
結合Skoda招牌的實用風格與時下流行的跨界休旅車格,Kamiq自2019年日內瓦車展首演以來,迅速成為品牌在全球各地市場的暢銷車款,在台灣更是全車系銷售佔比超過26%的王牌主力,因此即使僅是小改款車型,Skoda Taiwan依舊在6月初便邀集國內媒體前往台東進行兩天一夜的深度體驗,重視程度可見一斑…… 小改款Kamiq換上新款Matr...
Skoda adds Design trim to Kamiq range Škoda is building on the success of its award-winning Kamiq range by adding December, 2024 Kia celebrates 10 years of EV success It’s incredible to think it’s been 10 years since Kia introduced its first ...
The two ŠKODA works drivers Kalle Rovanperä and Jan Kopecký were impressed with the new MONTE CARLO variants of the ŠKODA SCALA and ŠKODA KAMIQ. Additional info File type: JPG File size: 6 MB Dimensions: 4500 × 3000 px Published: 26. 11. 2019 Related article: Recommended by...
近期可謂是動作頻頻的Skoda Taiwan,在接連導入Scala、Kamiq兩部小改款車型後,預告多時的品牌首款純電休旅Enyaq也展開預售活動,不過更精彩的還在後頭,因為全新七人座旗艦休旅Kodiaq已準備接續登台,將以嶄新的設計風格帶領國內車迷一同邁向品牌的下一世代。
Find a used Skoda Kamiq for sale >> 3rd – Kia Stonic ForBest in-gear punch; most agile handling; loads of equipment AgainstDearest to run; firmest ride; least comfy driving position; least practical; weakest safety ratings What Car? rating3 stars out of 5 ...
Its slightly raised driving position makes it feel more like a larger SUV than, say, aSkoda Kamiq, and it’s a nice touch that you can see the bonnet line from behind the wheel, putting you in mind that you’re driving something tougher than theToyota Yarissmall car it's based on. ...
The Golf is going to gobble up less of your fuel money, too. On our test route, it averaged an impressive 46.5mpg. The T-Cross still managed a commendable 45.1mpg average, though. Insuring either car should be a relatively affordable affair. The Golf, in insurance group 13 (out of 50...